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单词 distal end 例句大全,用单词distal end造句:

The retinula cell is enlarged at the distal end of the clear zone where the nucleus is located.
A surgical suturing apparatus includes a flexible member having a proximal end and a distal end.
The growth performance of distal and proximal ramets was investigated at the end of the experiment.
Treatment of comminuted fracture of distal end of femur with retrograde intramedullary interlocking nail
Retrograde interlocking intramedullary nailing for displaced, comminuted fractures of distal end of the femur
Exposure of flexor pollicis longus with distal end rupture through the proximal edge of transverse carpal ligament
Circumference microtubules could be found in cilium, but only the central microtubule near the distal end of cilia.
Anatomic observation and measurement of the distal end of the humerus and the design for artificial body of the humerus
Results Without any side effect, the proximal end and distal end of the common bile duct, bilecyst were displayed well.
Additional sutures maybe placed through the hole located at the white connector at the distal end of the ventricular catheter.
Applied anatomy of dorsalis pedis cutaneous flap pedicled with medial dorsalis pedis cutaneous nerves and vessels repairing the defect of distal end of foot
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