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单词 divorce rate 例句大全,用单词divorce rate造句:

The divorce rate is spiralling upwards.
And at the same time, the divorce rate is falling.
At this rate, we could find ourselves in the divorce courts!
She acknowledged that the divorce rate in Estonia was indeed high.
It'smaller, women are becoming equal, and the divorce rate is high.
家庭变得更小, 妇女更平等, 离婚率更高。
In modern society, that divorce rate rockets aggravates the youth crime.
But despite the high divorce rate, marriage has never been more popular.
但是仅管离婚率高, 婚姻却比以前更容易让人接受。
They say the divorce rate is twice as high for parents who lose a child.
In the United States,the rate of divorce has more than doubled since 1960.
The institution of marriage is still popular despite the high divorce rate.
The increase of divorce rate although make us sad, but it is a undoubted fact.
Britain held the unenviable record of having the highest divorce rate in Europe.
Towards the end of the plover breeding season, the rate of female divorce declines.
在千鸟的繁殖期快要结束的时候, 雌鸟离婚的比率就下降了。
The overall rate of divorce, however, appears to be unaffected by the advent of social networking.
然而, 离婚率的增长速度似乎总是受到社会媒体的影响。
The interpretation came amidst the news that Chinas divorce rate rose for the eighth year in a row.
The rationale for the divorce rate is that too many stresses are being placed on the modern family.
The divorce rate in the United States is the highest in the world. One out of every three marriage ends in divorce.
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