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单词 Eiffel Tower 例句大全,用单词Eiffel Tower造句:

The tower was completed in 1889, designed by Mr. Alexandre Gustave Eiffel.
Your Paris trip would not be complete without a visit to the Eiffel Tower.
The Eiffel Tower used to be tallest tower in the world, but now it is not.
The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world.
Eiffel Tower does not affect the status of architectural history in the world.
Tap the top of the antenna height,the height of the Eiffel Tower for 324 meters.
For a time, from the Eiffel Tower caused a storm swept across the city of Paris.
And lead hordes of tourists through the Louvre, the Bastille, and the Eiffel Tower?
Most people agree that the Eiffel Tower is the most famous landmark in all of Europe.
The Eiffel Tower is a virtuality that organizes things, as one might say, arbitrarily.
Oh, the normal things went to the Louver and Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower and so on.
噢, 通常做的事到卢浮宫, 巴黎圣母院, 埃菲尔铁塔等等。
It will weigh three times as much as the Eiffel Tower and be as big as60 football pitches.
So, this is, like, in front of the Eiffel Tower, really, actually, around the Louvre area.
这好像是在艾菲尔铁塔跟前 实际是,在罗浮宫附近
Two of france's most famous tourist attractions are the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre museum.
The most recognisable symbol of Paris is the 324 metre Eiffel Tower on the banks of the Seine.
And then on our last night, there, we go to the Eiffel Tower and on the top of the Eiffel Tower.
One of the bars, located on the33rd floor, has simply stunning views over Paris and the Eiffel Tower.
In 1998, at the climax of the months of build-up to the football World Cup final in France, the Three Tenors performed on a special stage under the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
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