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单词 earthquake fire 例句大全,用单词earthquake fire造句:

The fire do more damage than the earthquake.
Their insurance policy convers fire only, not earthquake.
他们的保单只包括火险, 并不包括地震险。
The fire which was arosed by the California Earthquake is the biggest loss.
Satan will triumph!But in three nights, the earthquake and fire will cease.
撒旦会胜利!但在三个夜里, 地震与火会熄灭。
This ladder is for use in dispersing residents during fire, earthquake and air attack.
Water would buffer the force of an earthquake, and being underwater would protect from hail and fire storms.
水能够缓冲地震的影响力, 呆在水下能够避免石雹和火风暴。
After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.
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