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单词 famous brand 例句大全,用单词famous brand造句:

Advantages and Disadvantages in Famous Brand Outspread Strategies
An international famous brand garment is in this city's flagship.
Famous brand furniture appliances complete bag, can be checked in.
名牌家具家电齐全, 拎包就可入住。
We are serving many world famous brand products in Europe and USA.
On the Packaging Design of Famous Brand and High Quality Cigarettes
Yi Siwo industry has become the world's most famous brand tag field.
On combination of enterprise image strategy and famous brand strategy
The profession brings up the famous brand. The profession is credible.
专业造就名牌, 专业值得信赖。
A suit famous brand professes handsome, apparel unlike study comparing.
一身名牌自称帅, 不比学习比穿戴。
Keemun is a famous brand of tea produced in Qimen County, Anhui province.
But you must realize, madam, that this Beethoven is the most famous brand.
但你得了解, 太太, 贝多芬是最著名的品牌。
He shows good taste in clothes; even his waist belts are of a famous brand.
On How the Science of Public Relations Serves for the Famous Brand Strategy
Some people, wearing famous brand, drive cars, day tour in the beauty shop.
Such a variety of glamour that showed ambry of famous brand major adequately.
Buying walking shoes of this famous Brand, you will walk with a springy step.
I don't think it is necessary for me to have a famous brand, the hero will do.
我想我不需要名牌, 英雄牌就行了。
This commercial firm operates wholesale business of world famous brand watches.
Finally, Huadu will be famous for passion fruit, therefore forming a brand effect.
Here we are right brand of international a few famous mobile phones comes big check.
But for famous brand, the people's F acquaints with but knows it gradually very few.
而对于名牌, 人们己渐熟悉但却知之甚少。
Although famous brand product mostly quality has assure, but also need not take vie!
虽然名牌产品大多质量有保证, 但也不用拿来攀比呀!
We mainly provide various international famous brand athletic shoes, kids shoes etc.
我们主要是提供各种国际知名品牌得运动鞋, 儿童鞋等。
Yangcheng Mouldboard is one of the famous brand products of the China farming tools.
Having clew to allude with clew is a brand famous degree basically make one of index.
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