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单词 failure cause 例句大全,用单词failure cause造句:

Furthermore, diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of renal failure in developed countries.
The cause of micro vibration fatigue failure is analyzed and improving measures are pointed out.
Experimental Study on the Failure Cause of Suppression and Isolation Apparatus for Gas Explosion
No one would even consider it, because no one had a clue that it could cause respiratory failure.
Almost invariably, the cause of failure can be traced to obsolete notions of command and control.
It has also been found that the caps and stems of some mushroom varieties can cause liver failure.
He persists in thinking that this time of experiment failure is main since prepare deficiency cause.
Objective To discuss the emergency nursing and pathogenic cause of neonate with respiratory failure.
Objective To study cause and prevention of II respiratory failure with iatrogenic metabolic alkalosis.
The most common cause of right ventricular failure and pulmonary hypertension is left ventricular failure.
The Cause of the Failure of the Bearing of the Summer Squash in the Daylight Green house and Its Prevention
In case of emergency, failure to make a maritime injunction immediately will cause damage or expand damage.
况紧急, 不立即作出海事强制令将造成损害或者使损害扩大。
Responsible to perform product failure analysis for semiconductor devices and ascertain the cause of failure.
The cultural differences often cause misunderstanding and arguments that lead a failure in the business negotiations.
The cultural differences often cause misunderstanding and arguments that lead total failure in the business negotiations.
The failure of motorists to detect and recognize motorcycles in traffic is the predominating cause of motorcycle accidents.
My Tentative View on the Cause of the Failure of the Card Wire with the Rotor Spinning Process and the Countermeasures thereof
Thinning out the shank shell on the top of coke drum and cause analysis on weld seam failure of connection tube at oil and gas outlet.
Analysis of cause of failure in treatment of soft tissues defect in shin with contrarow fibular artery islandshape musculocutaneous flap
Conclusion The primary cause of the calculus recurrence and the failure of the surgical intervention should be the stenosis of bile duct.
The adhesion force that the sodium lactate produce on the small size of quartz particles is much stronger, which could cause contact failure more likely.
乳酸钠对小粒径石英颗粒粘着作用更强, 更易导致触点失效。
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单词 failure cause 释义



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