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单词 failure time 例句大全,用单词failure time造句:

He persists in thinking that this time of experiment failure is main since prepare deficiency cause.
Research on the Relation Between the Failure Time and the Stress Levels of Tensile Creep of Concrete
Several milliseconds of processing time are normally left, by the time the power failure is detected.
在掉电检出时, 通常留有几个毫秒的处理时间。
In case of failure to meet this time limit, a fee for delayed payment shall be imposed by the Customs.
The Exploration and Nurse of Retainable Time for the Therapy of the Improving on Clyster in the Chronic Renal Failure
Dad blamed the failure for my negligent way of studing, while Mum consoled me the thought that I could do better next time.
When you succeed, everybody will say he is your friend. But only your mother-she is a companion at the time of your failure.
The model of the failure probability distribution was obtained by applying total failure time method for the numerical control punch.
Failure to make the claim at the time of filing the application or to submit the certified document within the time limit shall lead to forfeiture of the priority.
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