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单词 excitation energy 例句大全,用单词excitation energy造句:

isobar excitation energy
The mean excitation energy of light elements
Excitation energy dissipation was higher in iron deficient soybean leaves.
Theres a probability that that excitation is going to get turned back into kinetic energy.
有一个几率激发能将, 变回动能。
Excitation Function Measurement of Total Reaction Cross Section at Intermediate Energy for Light Exotic Nuclei
Nucleon Transfer Driven Potential and the Optimum Excitation Energy of Compound Nucleus Formed in Dinuclear Systems
Effects of Exogenous ABA on Excitation Energy Distribution and Osmotic Adjustment of Maize Seedlings Under Salt Stress
because the ruthenium may be subject to photodegradation , the total exposure to the excitation energy should be minimized.
因为光降解影响钌, 对激发能总的外露面积应当最小化。
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