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单词 eunuchs 例句大全,用单词eunuchs造句:

An essay about the discrepancy of eunuchs'monopolizing power in the Tang and Ming dynasties.
Mechanisms in the Qing Dynasty for preventing eunuchs from interfering with government affairs
It is the school institution and the place of study and education for eunuchs during the Ming dynasty.
One of the bases of eunuch dictatorship during the Han and Tang Dynasties was eunuchs'control over the army.
Deformed persons, and eunuchs, and old men, and bastards, can often be differenct mentally from other people.
By then, the imperial potteries were in the hands of court eunuchs enjoying a greatly increased bureaucratic reach.
那时, 宫廷瓷器掌握在宦官手里, 他们大幅增加了官用份额。
Generally speaking, eunuchs in the Ming dynasty believed in Buddhism and had countless contacts with Buddhist monks.
明代宦官普遍信奉, 与佛教僧团也有广泛的交往结纳。
b. Basically this bureaucracy might be divided into three groups the civil administration, the military officials, and the eunuchs.

单词 eunuchs 释义

  • 单词释义:太监,宦官( eunuch的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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