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单词 exciting game 例句大全,用单词exciting game造句:

Try your skills in the exciting new game play of Teddy Factory.
A hockey game, the game screen titles very exciting, very bold.
一款冰球游戏, 该游戏的片头画面非常扣人心弦, 非常有魄力。
An exciting swashbuckling arcade action game set on the high seas!
It was an exciting football game every player was really in the groove.
It was a very exciting game and I remember Xabi Alonso's fantastic goal.
Going to a basketball game is much more exciting than watching it at home.
Find your way out in this exciting and challenging mobile puzzle maze game.
The game is exciting, and the dynamics of the ball's motion are complicated.
这个游戏十分激烈, 球的运动力学也非常复杂。
In Guangzhou, you can go to amusement park, where the game is very exciting and scary.
Face the octopus invasion in this unique and exciting arcade game that combines action, roleplaying and puzzle elements.
海龟湾原来是海龟们的乐园, 如今却被大量章鱼入侵。
Please notice that this noun can also be countable, when it refers to something that excites or exciting events. This game has its challenges, excitementsand rewards.
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单词 exciting game 释义

  • 单词释义:令人兴奋的游戏  [更多..]



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