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单词 Hundred Days 例句大全,用单词Hundred Days造句:

Three days ago there almost a hundred.
Three days ago there were almost a hundred.
There are three hundred and sixty five days in a year.
The firewood cut over a hundred days burnt in one day.
The average school here used to be one hundred seventy days.
Fifteen days passed, bankbook is only a few hundred dollars.
All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days.
The days drive still left us a hundred miles short of the ocean.
我们整天驱车, 但离大海还有100英里。
On the Science Education in the Period of the Hundred Days Reform
When a hundred days are up, Xiaoqi returns to the celestial palace.
If you don't, it may be because several hundred years ago you lost days!
假如你没有, 也许是因为几百年前你丢了十天!
And the days of Thare were two hundred and five years, and he died in Haran.
Zhou Yu had Zhuge Liang knock up one hundred thousand arrows within three days.
As the time and cost of making a clip drop to a few days and a few hundred dollars.
A few days after the funeral, I sold the Chevy to Nancy's son for a hundred dollars.
Thus he will travel five hundred miles in a few days as a distraction from his happiness.
During the whole campaign against the locusts, several hundred million labor days were used.
在灭蝗运动期间, 共计动用了几亿个劳动日。
And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.
他对我说, 到二千三百日, 圣所就必洁净。
Guidebook to Erection shall be delivered within Five hundred and forty days from the Effective date.
And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years, and he begot more sons and daughters.
On the day of their marriage, Xiao Qi and Dong Yong discover they are given only a hundred days of conjugal life.
玉帝虽然准许了婚事, 但小七和董永发现他们只有100天的婚期。
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单词 Hundred Days 释义

  • 单词释义:百日王朝(拿破仑一世第二次统治法国时期的称谓,从1815年3月20日至6月28日,约百日)  [更多..]



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