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单词 Huan 例句大全,用单词Huan造句:

Later on huan will finish, they will also shout three call five to accompany to.
已而浣毕, 她们又吆三唤五地结伴而归。
Luo Huan has been getting an extra500 yuan each month since he got a girlfriend.
Jian new cook leek, look for peach drink, take time Huan rumors all programmable.
翦韭新炊, 寻桃小酌, 取次欢谣俱可编。
Huan Zang hesitated, for he dared not go ahead to knock on the door of the house.
West River North River, river network horizon, the boat ran high, lion dancers Huan.
Cleaning effect of Wu Huan Zi detergen on surface contamination of metallic toxicants.
This paper presents CHENG Huan zhang s experience in treating intractable constipation.
The result don't solidify is a public Huan to spread, small Qing house, big Qing country.
huan mr. is too late to regret at thellos time. his flounder in pain and sufferings dying.
The theme song of the XXIX Beijing Olympic Games was sung by Liu Huan and Sarah Brightman.
This factory Yu Ying Yi huan, the abundance of water birds the United States, Renjiedeling.
Zheng He bestowed on the chief two silver seals, a hat, a girdle and a robe, Ma Huan wrote.
Ceylonese jewel merchants tell Ma Huan that their rubies are the crystallized tears of Buddha.
Li Huan, a Chinese student, delivered a long and powerful speech in fluent French at the rally.
Qingdao New Huan Plastic Machinery Plant is located in beautiful and richly endowed Jiaozhou Bay.
Then the evening will be attended by the Foreign Ministry hosted a dinner Executive Jinxing Huan.
Block Huan 26 and Xinhuan 27 in Huanxiling oilfield are water flooding low permeability reservoirs.
All of a sudden, Huan Zang and the mother and daughter all felt much closer to each other than before.
Duke Huan appointed Guan Zhong the chief minister, and yet the state of Qi was not peaceful and orderly.
桓公任命管仲作上卿, 可是齐国还不太平。
Clinical and Experimental Studies on180 Cases of Male Infertility Treated with Shou Wu Huan Jing Capsule
The Fathers and Sons of the Huan Family in the Politics of Power and Influence in the Eastern Jin Dynasty
The first chapter mainly discusses the ancestor of Huan, the political career andhis thought and character.
Duke Huan of Qi killed his elder brother and married elder brothers wife. So to speak, he was a man of incest.
齐桓公杀死兄长, 娶自己嫂嫂为妻, 可说是乱伦之人。
The Oracle inscriptions discovered in Yin Remains have records of Yin people worshiping Shang and Huan Rivers.
Now the antagonist whom we are all Huan cloud to believe in, the affair in quondam doesnt ambition at elevator.

单词 Huan 释义

  • 单词释义:使刻两;抒批忘扶抆  [更多..]



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