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单词 hot dog 例句大全,用单词hot dog造句:

When the weather turns hot we help the dog to keep cool by combing out his loose hair.
A new top dog emerged on New Yorks Coney Island as the Worlds Hot Dog Eating Champion.
When the weather turns hot, we help the dog to keep cool by combing out his loose hairs
In another instant his dog dashed by in hot pursuit, and knocked heavily against his master's legs.
He heard the commotion of security behind him, and when he looked up, the hot dog already was in the air.
Finally, cut up the bread crust, and put a sausage into the bread crust and a hot dog is a recipe for a great hot dog.
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单词 hot dog 释义

  • 单词释义:<口>热狗(一种中间夹有熏红肠并配有芥菜,作料等的面包)  [更多..]



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