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单词 hive honey 例句大全,用单词hive honey造句:

Bees hive honey and pollen.
Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee.
我将拥有九排豆荚, 一个养蜂的蜂巢。
He put a glass dish with sugar water and honey to the west of the hive.
nectar from the flowers. Honey is stored in the hive as winter food for the bees.
And she'll come into the hive, find an empty honey pot, and throw up, and that's honey.
进去蜂房之后找到空的蜜罐 然后吐出来,这就是蜂蜜
Honey bees have three castes for the division of labor in a hive queens, workers and drones.
These temporary hive extensions contain frames of empty comb for the bees to fill with honey.
Research of effect that sun heat source shine hive cover on reproduce capacity of colony and quantity of collect honey
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