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单词 hanging side 例句大全,用单词hanging side造句:

Fantine's hand was hanging over the side of the bed.
The bronze still hanging in the side wall, polishes.
那铜牌仍旧挂在侧墙上, 被擦得铮亮。
With banana leaves hanging around the pulp side of the steamer, steam.
用芭蕉叶包住吊浆面, 在蒸笼里蒸熟。
Analysis of Causes to Loss of Hanging Links on Lower Side Doors of Gondola Cars
It seemed to be merely an ordinary farmyard, with one big red lantern hanging on each side of the door.
Application of Technique of Sowing Grass Seeds in Mixture by Hanging Wire Netting with Zn on Side Slope.
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