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单词 hang up 例句大全,用单词hang up造句:

People hang up their car keys at home and ride bikes to their offices.
人们把他们汽车的钥匙悬在家中不用, 改骑单车去上班。
Take off coveralls and hang up for later use if they are dirty or wet.
God wants everyone to have a place to hang up his hat and lay his head.
Mother has made some window decorations and has asked me to hang them up.
妈妈做了些窗饰, 让我挂起来。
Do not hang up and swat carpets or rugsmats as this will create aerosols.
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please hang up and dial 911.
Who the fuck would wanna climb up one of these walls and hang one of these?
Could you please hang up and wait while we try to connect Mr. Beckman Wood.
When the children come to school, they hang up their coats in the cloakroom.
Would you be good enough to hang up these diagrams there on the black board.
He helped his mother in the garden and he helped his father hang up the wash.
他在花园帮他的妈妈干活, 他帮他的爸爸晾衣服。
They usually hang up their stockings on the fireplace to wait for Santa Clause.
For various reasons, these programs might fail, hang up, or otherwise misbehave.
The holes that you drilled in the wall there to hang up whatever that thing is called.
The jewel of the Word should not hang in our ears, but be locked up in a believing heart.
On the characters as this pair of golden handshake given to me, I hang up a good collection.
Hang up to sew to mainly used for characteristic ceramic tile's hang up to sew the adornment.
The student on duty helped the lecturer hang up a diagram of the human body on the blackboard.
When you arrive at your destination, immediately hang up your clothes, ideally in the bathroom.
After the first wash clothes too clear, do not hand wring dry, hang up and drip dry on the line.
在第一次洗衣服昭然若揭, 不手拧干, 挂起来滴干就行。
Hang up the hopes that it represents a passing fad sharing the fate of the Beanie or the Pet Rock.
When hoisting up may not pull, hang the heavy item slanting slanting, in order to avoid has the danger.
Our customer service center has a regulation that reception personnel shouldn't hang up first on a customer.
Fluoride machine has two forms a singletrailer equipment and cabinets hang up the form of the same household.
The combative midfielder has made it clear he will not hang up his boots despite having been diagnosed with careerthreatening eye problem.
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单词 hang up 释义

  • 单词释义:挂上; 挂住;使等候;将电话筒挂上  [更多..]



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