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单词 hair brush 例句大全,用单词hair brush造句:

I can't brush your hair if you keep wriggling all the time.
Use a widetoothed comb rather than a brush to untangle hair.
I combed my hair with my hair brush and made it into a pony.
我抬起头。原来就是那个骑着小马的人, 他又回来了。
When it's dry, brush the hair using a soft, nylon baby brush.
Then she whip out a hairbrush and start to brush her long hair.
She had just been brushing her hair and held the brush in her hand.
Then she whipped out a hairbrush and started to brush her long hair.
Bettie watched him lower the rifle and brush the hay out of his hair.
贝蒂看着他放下枪, 掸掉他头发上的干草。
Endangered badger hair and other endangered animals brush making hair.
And I plucked the hair off the flys head. Decided to make a paint brush.
He took his brush and adjusted his hair to the new way he had discovered.
Hou shop brush is the main raw material for animal remains and tail hair.
Brush the hair before shampooing and scrupulously wash combs and brushes.
Finally uses the belt needle and long neck hair's brush combs the dog dog.
I didn't have the strength to brush my hair let alone shovel someone's walk.
If your partner has long hair, take the time to brush it using long slow strokes.
My sisters are always in the bathroom when I need to brush my teeth or comb my hair.
Recommending an usage to brush hair is softer, the toothbrush of top circle bluntness.
At brush to bite match, brush the hair to move after placing in bitmatch come forward.
在刷咬合面时, 刷毛置于咬合面上前后移动。
By a strong electrostatic principle, light hair brush completely nonstick easy to carry.
采用强烈静电原理, 刷头完全不沾毛轻巧方便随身携带。
Started to fine out the hair, smudging the dark shades into the light with a 1 pixel brush.
The sowing device at least comprises a casing, a sowing wheel, a hair brush and insert plates.
Then use a stiffbristled dandy brush to remove the loose hair, dirt, and scurf from the horses coat.
The rubber siltation place, wipes uniform with the hair brush the rubber, until gel gelation gelling.
胶淤积得地方, 用毛刷将胶抹匀, 直至胶凝。
Toothbrush handle with brush the hair had better report the perpendicular or several near perpendicular form better.
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