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单词 hand wheel 例句大全,用单词hand wheel造句:

The company was established in 1997,the company mainly produces iron hand wheel and handle.
Hand rack pinion press Design of an Automatic Dividing Punch Mould for Spokes on Wheel Cranes
This allows the connection to be made without a wrench, using a nut equipped with a hand wheel.
The spinning wheel, in all likelihood moved by hand, was known by the beginning of the Christian era.
公元前后, 最可能用手摇动的纺车开始闻名。
Now we also produce Wheel Barrow, Tool Cart, Service Cart, Hand Trolley and their parts and components.
Range hand wheel discussion the best distance of needles and intravenous catheter tube closure after sliding clamp block
We are the manufactory specialized in wheel barrow and parts of wheel barrows, hand truck , rubber wheel, platform hand truck and so on in Qin
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单词 hand wheel 释义

  • 单词释义:手轮,操纵手轮  [更多..]



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