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单词 hand out 例句大全,用单词hand out造句:

He dipped his hand into the bag and brought out a handful of wheat
As for other aspects, we will sporadically hand out questionnaires.
Hand out home works each week ans small text is often in classroom.
At the beginning he would always hand out an outline of the lecture.
在演讲开始时, 他总是先分发一份提纲。
Hand out a noun flashcard or a preposition flashcard to each student.
On other hand, America also carries out Strategic Ambiguity on Taiwan.
I held out my hand and grasped a small, delicate and very female hand.
说完我就和她握手告别, 可以感受到她的手非常娇小柔嫩。
Who dare bully my son?! Father leads Son by the hand out ot the house.
We will also hand out the final paper instructions next time in class.
A project such as this can easily get out of hand, with adverse results.
Gates doesn't address anyone by name,hand out praise or stroke any egos.
You must reject it out of hand in defence of traditional academic values.
为了捍卫传统学术价值, 你必须立刻回绝。
I reached out my childs hand, plump with life, and brushed his ashen toe.
我伸出胖乎乎的小手, 摸了摸他灰白色的脚趾。
Gates doesn't address anyone by name, hand out praise or stroke any egos.
盖茨不会直呼别人的名字, 不会随便表扬或伤害别人。
Catching Mom's hand in hand, I blurted out how sorry I was for that night.
Megatron spins and puts out a hand to me. Not a hand cannon. Not a weapon.
威震天转身, 向我伸出一只手。不是加农炮, 不是武器。
Afterward 2. The handcuff in the entrance, waits for you to put out a hand.
She stretched out a bony hand, and with amazing strength stabbed a cushion.
她伸出一只瘦削的手, 以惊人的劲头, 戳穿了一个椅垫。
Administer replies and hand out business cards to everyone that is present.
Once he burst into anger, he would throw anything at hand out of the window.
At once he called a hired hand to accompany him and rode out with the farmer.
Mr. Obama held out a friendly hand to those watching his address from overseas.
Aircraft crew members should carry out health legislation in hand disinfection.
For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.
He stretched out his arm for the book. Aunt Li came forward, extending her hand.
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单词 hand out 释义

  • 单词释义:<非正>分发;拿出;搀扶…出来;维持  [更多..]



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