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单词 guarantee money 例句大全,用单词guarantee money造句:

Safe with a full money back guarantee.
The ONLY 90day money back guarantee on Marini Lash.
We guarantee to refund your money if you're not delighted with your purchase.
We guarantee to refund your money if you are not delighted with your purchase.
Several Problems on Economic Contracts Adopting Guarantee of Bargain Money and Pledge
经济合同采用定金, 保证担保的几个问题
You will have to pay earnest money to guarantee your participation till the end of the tender.
FitzRoy oversaw the work, using much of his own money to guarantee that no expense was spared.
菲茨罗伊亲任监工, 花了很多他自己的钱, 可谓不遗余力。
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单词 guarantee money 释义



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