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单词 guest room 例句大全,用单词guest room造句:

The fad designing the guest room, display having originality is luxurious.
And besides, that bed is much more comfortable than the one in the guest room.
A sitting room can be transformed into a guest bedroom simply by adding a sofabed.
The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the mansion's guest room.
Guest room book, millwork details and specifications are part of contract documents.
Repair and maintain guest room facilities, light facilities, furniture and equipment
修理和维保客房设施, 灯具, 家具和设备
So there is no question of guest wanting to cancel their room reservations with Laguna.
毫无疑问, 游客会考虑取消赴拉古娜酒店的订单。
The sitting room is decorated give priority to with medium, large furniture, gadgety for guest.
Each guest room and bathroom shall have adequate ventilation and shall receive sufficient light.
Safe deposit box and electronic lock system, offer service of giving the meal in the guest room.
This text mainly introduced the development process of the cabaret guest room management information system.
Installation of hotel guest room, dormitory, bathhouse sends video secretly highest can punish 30 thousand yuan.
旅馆客房 宿舍 更衣室安装偷拍视频最高可罚3万元。
It is almost always the male guest who is caught naked outside his room, often through mistaking the door to the corridor for the one to the bathroom.
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