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单词 double rotation 例句大全,用单词double rotation造句:

Study of truncated intersector curve of single leaf and double leaf bilateral curved rotation surface
单叶, 双叶双曲回转面截交线的研究
This unit features injection of double jars and the screw rotation driven directly by hydraulic pressure.
本装置采用双缸注射, 液压马达直接驱动螺杆转动的结构。
A Relationship Between the Lay Length of Dual Twister and Flywheel Speed of Rotation Analysis of Double Microcomputer
Applied anatomy of dorsal hand flap with direct cutaneous artery arising from dorsal metacarpal artery as pedicle and double rotation points
英文例句大全为您提供double rotation英文例句大全,double rotation英文造句,关于double rotation的英语句子,单词double rotation怎么造句,double rotation英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于double rotation,英语单词double rotation的句子,单词double rotation如何造句,double rotation怎么造句等。

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