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单词 dominated 例句大全,用单词dominated造句:

Gravel beaches are formed where the coast is dominated by waves with sufficient gravel supply.
In the group of bulk bone, the ability of osteogenesis was weaker dominated by bone absorption.
The aromas and flavours are in that Cabernet spectrum dominated by mulberries and blackcurrants.
In the early middle ages, it was the autarky that dominated the manor economy in western Europe.
The energy economy of pregnancy is dominated by the biological adaptation of pregnancy anabolism.
The annual plants dominated the species and soil seed density during sand dune succession process.
The final result is always dominated by the statistical probability of the way the events combine.
Oregon State not only won their second consecutive National Championship on Sunday, they dominated.
It is the dominated species in FirRhododendron Community and Alpine Rhododendron Community, common.
该种是构成冷杉杜鹃群落和高山杜鹃群落的优势种, 常见。
The cablestayed bridges may penetrate the complete range of span now dominated by suspension bridges.
A mind dominated by positive emotions, becomes a favorable abode for the state of mind known as faith.
The rate constants of radical and electrophilic addition to alkenes are dominated by different factors.
Meanwhile, the title attribute with the public makes it can also be dominated by the government and use.
同时, 所有权具有的公属性使得其亦能被政府所支配和利用。
The reservoir physical property were primarily dominated by sedimentary facies, corrosion and dolomization.
There were mostly dominated by Forsythia suspense, Ostryopsis davidiana and Carex tristachya on gully erosion.
在侵蚀沟道内以连翘, 虎榛子居多, 草本层以苔草为主。
Fleas consisted of2 species belonging to2 genera of2 families and the dominated one was the Xenopsylla cheopis.
During transgressive periods, gravity flow is dominated by calcarenaceous clastic flow and its recomposed sand deposit.
The physiological control of heart rate and cardiac functions is dominated by the activity of the parasympathetic nerves.
Even after we achieved our independence in the 1920s , we continued to be dominated economically by our nearest neighbour.
他请邻居帮她照看一下孩子, 她要去邮局一下。
Former Communists dominated the government until 1996, when they were swept from power by a fractious coalition of centrist parties.
前共产党执政, 直到1996年, 被合并的中间派党推翻。
ownership pattern dominated by public ownership and a distribution system dominated by the practice of to each according to his work
His conception of the theme was completely dominated by the idea of bringing out the announcement of the betrayl as the dramatic central motif.
For decades ', says film historian John Canemaker, director of the animation program at New York University, ' feature animation was dominated by one style: Disney 's.
The mechanism of emplacement is dominated by diapirism in the early stage and by forceful and active emplacement in the form of swelling hydrogen ballon in the late stage.
In the process, he has turned an industry that once consisted of hundreds of small, family-run companies into one dominated by a few luxury conglomerates, of which LVMH is pre-eminent.

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