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单词 Dog House 例句大全,用单词Dog House造句:

A police dog had found him beneath a nearby house.
The wolf was tamed and evolved into the house dog.
Suddenly a dog barked and charged out of the house.
突然, 一条狗狂吠着从那所房子里冲了出来。
What's worse, the house is guarded by a fierce dog.
Every afternoon your dog comes to my house for a nap.
The dog barks at every stranger passing by the house.
There is dog gate and he is afraid to enter the house.
I caught sight of a dog chasing a mouse near my house.
If you foul again in this game, you will be dog house.
The cat whipped out of the house, with the dog chasing it.
猫从屋里冲出, 狗在后面追。
The cats used to gang up and chase the dog around the house.
It was kept outside in its little dog house out in the backyard.
But he had saved himself by not becoming a mere pampered house dog.
They had such a fierce dog that no one dare to go near their house.
他们家有一条凶狗, 没人敢靠近他家。
A big watch dog is tied to the wood pile in the front of his house.
They had such a fierce dog that no one dared to go near their house.
The dog began to career about the house as soon as the doorbell rang.
门铃一响, 狗就开始在家里到处乱窜。
My wife got the house, the kids, and the dog in our divorce settlement.
I share the house with Jim, Ian and Sam, not forgetting Spike, the dog.
我和吉姆, 伊恩, 萨姆共住一所房子, 还有这条狗斯派克。
even if you so legit that you get a house with a dog and a picket fence
即使你这样合法的, 你得到一个狗房子和栅栏
A fierce looking dog dashed out of the landlord's house and came for me.
Every day she walks past my house, with her little black dog at her heels.
她每天从我家门前经过, 她的小黑狗紧跟着她。
I'm dog house because I forgot to pay my bills. My roommates are really angry.
A major consideration when choosing a dog is the size of your house and garden.
The police caught her driving without a license. I guess she's in the dog house now.
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单词 Dog House 释义

  • 单词释义:高频高压电源屏蔽罩,(发射天线的)调谐箱,(火箭)仪表舱  [更多..]



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