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单词 expenditure tax 例句大全,用单词expenditure tax造句:

Part 2,the introduction of tax expenditure.
A Trap of Financial Subsidy by the Expenditure with Tax
Will Accelerated Depreciation Really Reduce Tax Expenditure
Policies of tax reduction must lead to reduced public expenditure.
But, expenditure and the tax cut macroscopic measure or will be a paradox.
但是, 财政支出和减税的宏观措施或将是个悖论。
Analysis of problem in value added tax inspection of expenditure tax and income tax
Part three was an evaluation of the domestic and foreign practice of tax expenditure.
Apply the Expenditure of the Tax Type to the Acceleration of the Development of Economy
On Constructing a Tax System in Conformity with Law by Connecting Income with Expenditure
In 1915, salt tax was also the main source of military expenditure to wrest power from YUAN Shikai.
而1915年云南护国讨袁, 军费的主要来源亦为盐款。
The thesis took the perspective of governance tool as the cutting point of discussing tax expenditure.
本文从政府工具的角度作为切入点, 来讨论税式支出问题。
Some Reflections on the Polity Orientation of Tax Expenditure Ways in the Adjustment of Industrial Structure.
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