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单词 end play 例句大全,用单词end play造句:

At the end, Puck tells the audience that if they did not like the play
Ada's part in the play came at the tag end, and she got bored waiting.
爱达在剧中的角色是在最后出场, 因此她等得不耐烦了。
At the end of the play Hamlet avenged his fathers death on the murderer.
Play the entire thing aloof and no matter what you do, kiss her at the end.
要若即若离不管你怎么做, 最后要吻她
At the end of the play, Hamlet avenged his father's death upon the murderer.
剧终时, 汉姆莱特杀死凶手, 为父亲报了仇。
The player is still at Genoa and will play there until the end of the season.
球员现在仍然租借在热那亚, 将在那里踢球直到本赛季结束。
When Blister Beetle comes into play, target creature gets 9 until end of turn.
For their final exam, the drama class must put on a play at the end of the term.
Actors wearing masks, wearing high boots at the end, the angle from actor to play.
演员戴面具, 穿高底靴, 女角由男演员扮演。
Henever Xantid Swarm attacks, defending player cant play spells until end of turn.
进攻时, 防御牌手不能使用咒语直到回合结束。
At end of turn, a creature returned to play with unearth is removed from the game.
在回合结束时, 以破坟方式返回场上的生物会移出对战。
At the end of the play the sisters throw off their male disguises and admit what they have done.
剧终了时, 姐妹们去掉她们的男子伪装, 承认了她们所干的事。
The winner of a coin toss elects to serve or receive, or select the end of the court on which to play.
I was carried off the field and Brazil went on to play with ten men, and to end up eliminated from the tournament.
Play Performance by Scholars from the Literary Associations at the End of the Ming Dynasty and the Beginning of the Qing Dynasty
For example, let's have CD systems programmed to play three, four, even five discs simultaneously, ending those music lovers spats that so often end in compromise.
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单词 end play 释义

  • 单词释义:轴向间隙,轴端余隙,车轴横动量;游隙  [更多..]



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