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单词 encased 例句大全,用单词encased造句:

One of the design plans is the bridge tower is steel encased concrete structure.
The perfume carrier is encased in a steel case to give it a chic, elegant look.
Any of numerous small tropical fishes having body and head encased in bony plates.
Encased in plate armour, these men are formidable when they choose to fight on foot.
The spider was encased in volcanic ash at the bottom of what would have been a lake.
In the meantime, Arthas and Muradin found the blade Frostmourne being encased in ice.
同时, 阿尔萨斯和穆拉丁找诺森德布匹到了冰中的霜之哀伤。
In the middle of the centerpiece mosaic hangs a chandelier encased in a blue glass cube.
Encased in mail and equipped with lances and swords these troops are effective fighters.
Encased in the skin of a sheep, he pastured with the flock, beguiling the shepherd by his artifice.
他披上了羊皮, 混进了羊群, 并且瞒过了牧羊人。
Encased at the tip of each 23footlong rod are seeds provided by Chinas Kunming Institute of Botany.
The eyeball holds a microchip encased in a sealed titanium case to avoid damage from water seepage.
In this application, the carrier for the gage is removed, and the grid is totally encased in ceramic.
在这种应用中, 要去掉应变片的载体, 使格栅完全封在陶瓷内。
The main dish was a dumpling dish which had crab meet inside with soup also encased within the dough.
主食是蟹粉小笼, 里面有蟹肉, 还裹着汤。
Impacted wisdom teeth may also be categorized on whether they are still completely encased in the jawbone.
Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty.
Shoulders Reinforce shoulders seams with clear transparent stretch tape. Tape must be encased in Overlock and not be exposed.

单词 encased 释义

  • 单词释义:把…放入盒内,把…装箱( encase的过去式和过去分词 )  [更多..]



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