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单词 futures contract 例句大全,用单词futures contract造句:

Usually the lowest quality of commodity acceptable for delivery under a futures contract.
The specified month within which a futures contract matures and can be settled by delivery.
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远月合约重挫, 股指期货仿真交易再现预警信号?
Generally speaking, futures contract, not the commodity, is sold and bought in the futures market.
上买进卖出的是期货契约, 而不是商品。
A fee charged by the exchange for each futures or options contract cleared or delivered on the Exchange.
The tender and receipt of an actual commodity or financial instrument in settlement of a futures contract.
Close Position Date and the Last Trading Date set by KGI regarding the latest Global Futures contract month.
A document used to effect delivery on a futures contract, such as a warehouse receipt or shipping certificate.
用以实现期货合约交割的证明文件, 如栈单或海运信用证。
Expiration Date The day on which an options or futures contract is no longer valid and, therefore, ceases to exist.
Delivery Instrument A document that stands in lieu of the physical underlying during the delivery of the futures contract.
A position in which the trader has bought a futures contract that does not offset a previously established short position.
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