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单词 fertilizer pollution 例句大全,用单词fertilizer pollution造句:

Pollution Caused by Fertilizer in Zhuxi River.
This fertilizer, the soil soft, the full fruits of environmental protection, no pollution.
使用此肥, 能使土壤松软, 所接果实完全环保, 无任何污染。
Abuse of fertilizer is one of the causes of environmental pollution and the degradation of products.
Discussion of Dust Pollution Problem in Steam Granule Compound Fertilizer Production and Countermeasures
Phosphorus pollution comes from multiple sources, including fertilizer and manure that enter the water through runoff.
The fertilizer is insufficient can create the crops the underproduction, too much can create the environment the pollution.
肥料不足会造成作物的减产, 过剩又会造成环境的污染。
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