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单词 favourable price 例句大全,用单词favourable price造句:

The price is favourable, full service.
价格优惠, 服务周到。
The price is favourable , full service.
I can assure you our price is very favourable.
If your price is favourable, we can book an order right away.
If your price is favourable, we can place an order right away.
Advocate gentleman, can you hire us with favourable price a horse
场主先生, 能不能以优惠的价格租给我们一匹马吗?
I bet you can't get such a favourable price from other suppliers.
In view of our standing business relationship, we decide to give you a special favourable price.
鉴于我们的业务关系, 我方决定给你方优惠。
In view of our long standing business relationship, we decide to give you a special favourable price.
Please note that we have quoted our most favourable price and are unable to entertain any counteroffer.
Please note that we have quoted our most favourable price and are unable to entertain any counter offer.
该报价为最优惠价, 恕不能还价。
The enterprises of managing grid should implement the high quality and favourable price to these hydropower stations.
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