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单词 displacement angle 例句大全,用单词displacement angle造句:

Study on Dynamic Angle Displacement of Tap in Low Frequency Vibration Tapping
Design for blower static blade angle of electric displacement instruction and its application
The application of angle displacement photoelectric coding in an automatic meter reading system
Applying the Relation of Gear Size to Calculating the Geometric Size of Gear with Displacement Angle
The main effect affected by material feature is lateral displacement, then the loading height and slant angle.
横向位移受物料形态影响最大 其次是装料高度和斜面倾角
When the inclination angle of pile body agrees with that of the loading, the pile top displacement is minimal.
当桩身倾斜度与荷载倾斜度一致时, 桩顶沉降值最小。
The yawing can apparently attenuate the angular displacement of both the tail and the attack angle of tail fin.
Analysis on Swinging Angle and Sliding Displacement Detection of Constant Velocity Universal Joint for Automobile
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