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单词 direction valve 例句大全,用单词direction valve造句:

Install valve in accordance with flow direction arrow.
Close the valve fully by turning the stem in a clockwise direction.
顺时针旋转阀杆, 完全关闭阀门。
During inflating you close the opening valve in clockwise direction.
在充气时, 以顺时针方向关闭开口阀。
For pressure relief you turn the opening valve against clockwise direction.
压力释放时, 逆时针旋转开口阀。
The butterfly valve butterfly plate installed in pipeline diameter direction.
Initial movement of the valve stem in the opening direction unseats the pilot valve.
Manual valve is used to manually shift lever to manipulate the direction of spool control valve.
Manual is a manual lever manipulation direction change valve disc killer direction control valves.
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