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单词 direct to 例句大全,用单词direct to造句:

Causes of Super National Treatment Policy to Direct Foreign Investment and Its Adjustment
An external direct current technique was used to accelerate corrosion of the reinforcement.
Relative to the direct advertising, sports sponsorship effect natural, easy to be accepted.
He was called to Washington to direct the Food Administration when his country entered war.
美国参战时, 他被召回华盛顿, 领导粮食局。
Direct selling trainers can only be appointed to train by enterprise the trainer belongs to.
Our Government Should Adopt Four Terms of Legal Measures to Protect Overseas Direct Investment
Application of direct evaporative cooling air conditioning equipment to an air compressor room
Our thanks to Agnes Lau, Amway Emerald Direct Distributor, for her help with the demonstration.
Clicking the hyperlink opens the source document and gives you direct access to the targeted data.
单击超链接打开源文档, 直接访问目标数据。
The use of second person in discourse is traditionally considered as direct address to the reader.
referendum, The submission of a proposed public measure or actual statute to a direct popular vote.
Fatbis the most usual and direct adjective to describe people with excess flesh, but it is not polite
You would adjust your conduct and even direct the course of your spirit according to hours and seasons.
你要按照时辰与季候来调节你的举止, 引导你的精神。
You can also use it to design effective direct mail pieces and write appropriate advertising campaigns.
您还可以用它来设计有效的直邮件, 写适当的广告活动。
If you have any complains to make concerning your food or accommodation, please direct them to the manager
如果你对食宿有什么意见, 请找经理谈。
Direct involvement in societal changes and opportunities to acquire new knowledge as well as working skills.
Adopt all kinds of possible means, including direct financing, to replenish the capital funds of enterprises
Architectural change of financing will have direct impact to the achievement effect and value to the company.
If you have any complaints to make concerning your food or accommodation, please direct them to the house manager.
如果对食宿有意见, 请向房主讲。
Direct current speed regulation equipment was used to achieve high accuracy speed control of rotation and movement.
One, aggrandizement spot supervises and direct consciousness, thorough a gleam of catchs contradictory interrogate to inscribe.
But since people don't always say what they think, marketeers would need direct access to consumers ' thoughts to get the truth.
To ensure that your whole host may withstand the brunt of the enemys attack and remain unshaken this is affected by maneuvers direct and indirect.
Yeah, but like, I don't think of myself like, providing direct sex care services per se as, like, being a requirement for me to be, like, an advocate.
是的,但是我自己本身 我应该就是对这种工作表示支持。
The entire real road pushes stems from the father, its direct origin is the Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality technique which the Tang end Five Dynasties emerge.
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单词 direct to 释义

  • 单词释义:指示去;把…用于;把(信等)寄到…;将…讲给(某人)听  [更多..]



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