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单词 Dirk Kuyt 例句大全,用单词Dirk Kuyt造句:

To follow in the footsteps of Dirk Kuyt would be sensational.
Liverpool have made a new move for Feyenoord striker Dirk Kuyt.
利物浦为费耶诺德射手德克 库伊特开出新的报价。
Liverpool s latest signing Dirk Kuyt has been handed squad number 18.
I still speak with Stevie and Carra, as well as Pepe Reina and Dirk Kuyt.
我仍然和杰拉德卡拉格保持联系, 当然还有雷纳和库伊特。
m not sure about Dirk Kuyt, but who plays up front with Fernando Torres
Dirk Kuyt has spoken of his desire to extend his stay with a rejuvenated Liverpool.
With Fernando, Peter Crouch and Dirk Kuyt we are going to have one of the best attacks in Europe.
Dirk Kuyt insists Liverpool must be wary of old boy Craig Bellamy denting their title hopes this weekend.
Dirk Kuyt claims Liverpool are refusing to give up on their dream of clinching the Barclays Premier League title.
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