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单词 digital camera 例句大全,用单词digital camera造句:

Simulative Design for AutoZoom Lenss Canister Style Configuration of a Digital Camera
Evaluation of digital imaging and laser camera in double contrast examination of colon
And send some pictures you took with your digital camera at Wang Tao's birthday party.
Research and Implementation of Digital Camera Locating Technologies in Image Processing
Technology for mine intrinsic safe full digital camera, recorder and player combination
Digital camera binocular positioning problem is traffic control in the important issues.
He carries a digital camera to events and snaps pictures of people he wants to remember.
From a digital camera to Office equipment to digital devices, jianeng always innovation.
At the same time, the pigmented macules on the abdomen were recorded by a digital camera.
The Design and Research of the Digital Camera Based on the Theory of Visual Psychological
Images are transferred from the white board to the computer with a highres digital camera.
Theoretically speaking, the higher sensitivity of digital camera to photograph the better.
Camera calibration method for optical center Optical Bistable Digital Camera Optical dating
The system is deference from ordinary digital camera systems and video surveillance systems.
Matrix camera equipped with lens and LCTF filters were used to capture digital images of apples.
In addition, the whole shooting sand process has been recorded with a high speed digital camera.
The result is a digital interchangeable lens camera that's both extremely compact and highly mobile.
It can also be used as a digital camera, and also as a transmitter to send out the picture youve just taken.
它还可以用作数码相机, 可以将你刚刚拍摄的相片发出去。
Comparison between Digital Aerophotographical Camera and Traditional Aerophotographical Camera in Survey Method
After this firmware update your Panasonic Digital Camera cannot be operated by unauthorised 3rd party batteries.
进行本固件升级后, 非官方的第三方电池将无法使用。
The digital camera was unable to cope with the brightness of the main streak and turned it into a thick blurry line.
数码相机无法应付闪电主体的亮度, 它变成了模糊的粗线条。
Application of Terrestrial Photogrammetry Based on Common Digital Camera for Geographical Map Surveying of Kasrt Mountain
The company manages the brand computer primarily, the concurrently camp digital camera, the camera, projecting apparatus.
公司以经营品牌电脑为主, 兼营数码相机, 摄像机, 投影仪。
A Proposal on the Application of Stereography Technology Using Normal Digital Camera in the Photography of Archival Objects
In about two years, according to Finland-based mobile giant Nokia, the ' phone ' we hold will be equipped with a tiny digital camera.
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