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单词 different system 例句大全,用单词different system造句:

A system of active service for different terms shall be instituted for volunteers.
It makes certain the system circulate situation under different weather condition.
在全年不同的气象条件下, 确定系统运行工况。
If I want to look at a different frame, I simply click on the managed system name.
如果希望查看其他系统, 只需单击受管理系统名。
Different gain selected can make the system ope rates at the different conditions.
Different circle in the sky which is the plane of the ecliptic of the solar system.
Coordinate among different departments to ensure the company system implementation.
You can even emulate an operating system for a different architecture than the host.
This menu is used to calibrate the system for the different gases you have to analyze.
Internationally, the insurance regulatory system in different countries are different.
在国际上, 不同国家的保险监管体制是不尽相同的。
Concerning the judge committee system, academic circles profusion of different opinions.
The respiratory system consists of the lungs and the many air tracts of different sizes.
The reason is that there is different degree of vestibule system harmed in deaf student.
Not born for interests and kill the different dispute and ideological system of thought.
According to user demand, matching of different numerical control system and accessories.
根据用户的需求, 可选配不同的数控系统和附件。
The root system development ability of cotton with different cultivation way is analyzed.
MFPGC system can support various communication scenarios by different attribute settings.
依属性设定不同, 此系统可以提供多种通讯服务。
This is different from the performance of the system where the rules engine gets deployed.
Many different types and sizes of anodes are available for use in impressed current system.
Kins disperse to different places, which has a great impact on the patriarchal clan system.
Different calibrating lenses are designed, and simulation is made to the system calibration.
In that system the microscope scanned the collector twice, focusing on two different depths.
在那套系统中显微镜扫描收集器两次, 对不同的深度聚焦。
The buoyancy adjustment system design is realized by comparing two different typical schemes.
Having a lot of special features, the system is beneficially different from the similar ones.
Our system allows companies to issue different classes of stock with different voting rights.
The comparative study on economic benefit of coal enterprise of different system of ownership
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单词 different system 释义



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