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单词 die down 例句大全,用单词die down造句:

He thought that the criticism that had followed his announcement would die down.
Even here, many people seem to feel that the diplomatic uproar will soon die down.
即使在这里, 很多人似乎认为这场外交风波很快会过去。
Buddleias die down each winter in the north but bloom from new wood the next season.
在北方, 醉鱼草每年冬天枯萎, 但来年又重新生枝开花。
There may be dead leaves and dead plants on the grass. Plants often die down in winter.
Gerk's amazing toughness makes him become much harder to knocked down when he nears to die.
The willpower ga on physical strength, is the body drops down first, the soul does not die.
意志力尬上体力, 是身体先倒下, 还是灵魂不死。
The algae die and rain down into deep waters, where their remains are like fertilizer for microbes.
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