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单词 cylindrical gate 例句大全,用单词cylindrical gate造句:

cylindrical sluice gate.
Experimental Study on the Flow Induced Vibration of a Cylindrical Inflow gate
The bottom of each cylindrical branch tank is provided with a pump intake and connected with a sand cleaning gate.
每个圆柱形子罐底部设有泵吸入口, 并与清砂门连接。
英文例句大全为您提供cylindrical gate英文例句大全,cylindrical gate英文造句,关于cylindrical gate的英语句子,单词cylindrical gate怎么造句,cylindrical gate英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于cylindrical gate,英语单词cylindrical gate的句子,单词cylindrical gate如何造句,cylindrical gate怎么造句等。

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