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单词 cylinder base 例句大全,用单词cylinder base造句:

In a gear, the cylinder is the base circle.
对一个齿轮来说, 这个圆柱体就是它的基圆。
lock of base metal, of the cylinder, lever, tumbler or bramah type, and parts thereof
A cylinder a hollow tube a closed concave base that permits the cylinder to stand upright.
Glass door base cabinet, complete cylinder package for the drawing edge, acrylic decorations.
玻璃门底柜, 整套缸为拉丝包边, 亚克力做装饰。
Study on Dynamical Simulation of Base of Remote Cylinder Based on Dynamics Simulation Software
Analytical formulas for reflection ray tracing on the cylinder and cone base on the Fermat principle
英文例句大全为您提供cylinder base英文例句大全,cylinder base英文造句,关于cylinder base的英语句子,单词cylinder base怎么造句,cylinder base英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于cylinder base,英语单词cylinder base的句子,单词cylinder base如何造句,cylinder base怎么造句等。

单词 cylinder base 释义

  • 单词释义:汽缸座,机缸座  [更多..]



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