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单词 customer care 例句大全,用单词customer care造句:

Customer Care Program.
We aim to maintain high standards of customer care.
Sometimes Call Center is also called Customer Care Center.
呼叫中心, 在国内有时也叫客户服务中心。
You need to take care about payment processing, customer support etc.
你还要考虑到支付手段, 客户支持等等。
Each point of customer concern, care staff every day, love every step.
This offering combines Internet customer care and call center technologies.
Sometimes small firms can outdo big business when it comes to customer care.
The matter must be dealt with care and tact to ensure customer satisfactions.
to connect with people who care more about customer service, than making a nickle tomorrow.
连接那些 认为客户服务比赚钱还重要的人们。
Present staff card together with the parking ticket at Shroff Office or Customer Care Centers.
This is a friendly letter which assures the new customer that he will be taken care of at all times.
本信向收信人保证服务质量, 礼貌周到。
Of course, my customer will take care for your engineers about living place and eating everyday When they stay in Viet Nam.
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单词 customer care 释义

  • 单词释义:客户服务;客户关怀  [更多..]



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