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单词 crumbs 例句大全,用单词crumbs造句:

Jun brushed crumbs from her cake into a small pile with her fork.
Repeat with the remaining veal steaks, flour, egg and bread crumbs.
Flaked fish baked in a loaf with bread crumbs and various seasonings.
When cooked, add sugar and stir till crumbs and sugar are evenly mixed in.
One final point on information navigation involves the idea of bread crumbs.
The waiter nodded his head and swept the crumbs from the table with the cloth.
侍者点点头, 用抹布揩掉桌上的面包屑。
Coat prawns with flour, then dip in egg mixture coat with bread crumbs at last.
大虾先沾一层面粉, 再沾上蛋汁, 最后裹上面包糠, 备用。
Stir in the peanut butter, graham cracker crumbs, and maple sugar and mix well.
The result is you eat awkwardly hunched over the sheets, with crumbs everywhere.
结果可能你尴尬的弓在被子里吃完, 面包屑弄得到处都是。
Briggs walks back to her car smiling and brushing off a few stray cookie crumbs.
布里格斯微笑中走回她的汽车, 一面掸掉身上的饼屑。
He sighs, and wipes stray bread crumbs from his beard, rising to his cloven feet.
Finally add the bread crumbs taste with salt and pepper and allow it to cool down.
It is for flour or bread crumbs or icing sugar. Shall I sift this flour with a sieve
做面粉, 面包或糖粉时用的, 能用筛子来过滤?
Coat the pork chop with flour, then dip in beaten egg, finally coat with bread crumbs.
The biscuits have been eaten by the little brother. There are only a few crumbs remaining.
The waitress flicked the bread crumbs from the table cloth and brought plates and glasses.
女招待拂去桌布上的面包屑, 摆上餐碟和杯子。
When leaders treat the member well occasionally, they accept any and all crumbs gratefully.
当领导者偶尔略施小惠, 他们便感激涕零。
Spiral scraps discharge machine, small volume, appropriate narrow space besides crumbs use.
The government were able to draw a few crumbs of comfort from today's unemployment figures.
The oil will slowly drip into the container, and any crumbs and particles will remain in the filter.
Want to put it out on the pub table beside you, getting showered with beer splashes and crisp crumbs.
Sift flour and salt into a mixing bowl, cut butter into small pieces and rub into bread crumbs shape.
I follow these strands of similarity like a trail of bread crumbs to find exactly what I'm looking for.
You know, a draftsman always makes his drawing in pencil first, and when it's done he rubs out the pencil lines with stale bread crumbs.
The mild, sweet onion varieties, like Vidalia and Walla Walla, are ideal in this dish, where they are stuffed with Parmesan cheese and bread crumbs.

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