The bathroom is not a pretty sight. The wallpaper's peeling, the tiles are crumbling.
The tombstone was lichenous and crumbling. Some great empires have crumbled and fallen.
Tony Montana's empire is crumbling, we must face the situation! They want to play dirty ?
汤尼得黑道帝国正在崩溃, 你一定要搞清楚状况!
Once dry seas and crumbling rocks, arrived at your last merry gathering and happy parting.
Silently she goes further and further, To the crumbling wall, Out of the lane in the rain.
With the grace of God Almighty, the existing pillars of the oppressive system are crumbling.
The school buildings, originally constructed as temporary hospital barracks, were crumbling.
The walls of academia, and the costs of learning, are crumbling before our eyes and ears.
But the system requires several successive pressings after crumbling and turning over of pulp.
She even chastised herself for crumbling emotionally, saying she made her son a less happy baby.
她甚至苛责自己情绪不稳定, 说她让儿子没那么快乐。
These are wholly natural, and the State is crumbling generally, for the rifts forming underneath.
这是完全自然的, 此州正在逐步破碎, 是由于地底形成的断裂。
Bricks are crumbling in places, and the front door is so swollen you have to push hard to get in.
几处墙砖蚀成了粉。前门那么鼓, 你要用力推才进得来。