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单词 culturally 例句大全,用单词culturally造句:

I heard culturally and because of the law, they would just arrest us at the first pasting.
And one of the questions, they were very culturally astute, the people who put the questionnaire.
爱没有聪不聪明, 只有愿不愿意。
to provide education , outreach and screening in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner.
The group was as culturally, sociologically, sexually, and politically diverse as you could assemble.
At the very least, in a country where restaurants serve snails, fast food is clearly culturally aberrant.
至少, 在一个遍布蜗牛餐馆的国度, 快餐明显属于异类。
The provision of culturally relevant data and information will also ensure a transparent cultural policy.
The question of building a socialist society that is culturally and ideologically advanced was raised long ago.
Perhaps his mixed parentage gave him the multicultural background needed to be culturally bilingual, creating the dialogue that may bridge our divide.

单词 culturally 释义

  • 单词释义:从文化角度;文化意义上;从人文学角度;人文学方面  [更多..]



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