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单词 conversely... 例句大全,用单词conversely...造句:

Conversely, when bile fails to be excreted normally, the liver function will be affected, too.
Conversely, a smart appliance can be programmed to turn itself on when the cost of power dips.
Conversely, pressuring him to take part in your extracurriculars will just make him resentful.
Conversely, if the histogram skews towards the right, then the image is potentially overexposed.
Conversely, if we simply issue orders, they will be unhappy even if we handle matters correctly.
Decrease lose even if add close, tell conversely, increase a burden to be decreased namely close.
减负就是增收, 反过来讲, 增加负担就是减收。
Nursing care of chronic dacryocystisis patients treated by chorda chirurgicalis conversely suture
Generally speaking, the keyword with lower price is emulative smaller, jump over conversely tall.
一般来说, 价格越低的关键词竞争性就越小, 反之越高。
The sizes of humus soil from top to down changed conversely, decreasing first and then increasing.
Conversely, the reaction temperature of the forward smolder is higher than that of the reverse one.
Conversely, blue is also associated with masculinity and is the preferred male clothing baby colour.
And Conversely the lower the value of the meta fractal dimension, the less evener the distribution is.
conversely, the naked singularity appearing must destroy the third law of thermodynamics of black hole.
Conversely, changes in consumption patterns induced by increased environmental awareness could accelerate.
Conversely, any educational material that is discriminatory or derogatory towards others should be removed.
Conversely, ignoring the health impacts of conflict can hamper stabilization and the consolidation of peace.
Conversely, its western part is comparatively underdeveloped, but rich in resources and development potential.
Conversely the balance of payments of the host country is helped in the short run and may be hurt in the long.
Conversely, we will have their support even if some decisions are imperfect, because we have won their consent.
只要通过他们, 即使有的决定还有缺点, 他们也是会拥护的。
Conversely, it is not generous to keep pressing expensive drinks on people who really want a half-pint of bitter.
Conversely, a deteriorating security situation can have detrimental consequences for both disarmament and development.
The super class is a generalization of the subclass and conversely the subclass is a specialization of the super class.
Conversely, the less stable the dispersion, the stronger its flocculated, the more remarkable its thixotropy, the bigger its hysteresis loop.
反之, 分散体系的稳定性愈差, 触变性愈显著, 触变环愈大。
Conversely, conflicts and tensions that undermine stability and security can set back the progress that we have started to make on the path of development.
Science and democracy have originally been twin sisters with the same destiny. Scientific development has created political democracy. Conversely, only politics with democracy can encourage the development of science.

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