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单词 conversation time 例句大全,用单词conversation time造句:

Of course, Kerlin, my at once to the conversation you and I had at Christmas time.
We heard snatches of their conversation as they raised their voices from time to time.
当他们不时地提高嗓门说话时, 我们听到了他们谈话的片段。
I wish they will hurry up and serve us. I have a hard time keeping the conversation go.
There is no perfect time and there is no perfect place to start a difficult conversation.
永远没有完美的时刻与完美的地点 来展开艰难的对话。
In these latter studies, men used up more time in the conversation than women, Leaper said.
He was so nervous that he had had a hard time keeping his seat during this short, direct conversation.
Technical problems prevent you from having a webcam conversation at this time. Please try again later.
因为技术问题, 您当前无法进行网络摄像机对话, 请稍后再试。
A pause giving time for thought was the truly courteous way of beginning and conducting a conversation.
It is a topic of conversation for people who discuss together all the time to pursue the ultimate life.
The weather is often a topic of conversation, regardless of where people live or what time of year it is.
The Internet is the first medium in history that has native support for groups and conversation at the same time.
网络是历史上第一个媒介 即自然生成组织 同时又有对话。
The two friends who had not met for a long time were so absorbed in conversation as to be unconscious of the lapse of time.
Life is warm and slow, with plenty of time for conversation and a newspaper that sometimes is not even permitted to print what everybody knows anyway.
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单词 conversation time 释义

  • 单词释义:[计]对话时间,通话时间  [更多..]



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