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单词 controlled test 例句大全,用单词controlled test造句:

programmer controlled automated test system
The act of conducting a controlled test or investigation.
The other group was told that the test controlled for biases.
For parts tested by test program, is test revision controlled
为零件由测试程, 测试和式修控制吗?
Computer Controlled System for Engine Test with Condition Variation
Electrical controlled device for putting out of diesel engine and its reliable test
A digitally precisely controlled motor can vary test frequency and strain over a wide range.
Have rich experience on test fixture building, able to build pneumatic controlled fixture is prefer.
具有丰富的测试治具制作经验, 懂气动控制治具制作优先。
Test Analysis on the Free Rolling Speed of New Types of Freight Cars Controlled by the Speed Governing
Investigation of release test of controlled release morphine sulfate tablets in vitro intestinal medium
Laboratory model test for evolution of seepage deformation controlled by means of suspended cutoff wall in foundation of dike
The measuring objectives are selected software controlled in dependence of the test specimen parameters, must be inserted however manually into the mount.
由软件选择样品被测参数, 被测物必须用手装入装配台。
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