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单词 continue from 例句大全,用单词continue from造句:

Meanwhile, smaller firms realize that to continue winning contracts from multinational clients they must grow. And fast.
Tattoos will continue to lose their brilliancy with exposure to UV light, whether it comes from indoors or from outdoors.
Then we continue analysing the Ziwei refined poetry from the angle of the wind of refined poetry of the South Song Dynasty.
We will continue to encourage the lending institutions to expedite the process of consent seeking from their SME customers.
He was so exhausted from climbing the mountain that he rented a mountain sedan chair and had two men carry him so he could continue.
Such products AS remain essentially the product of third countries should continue to be excluded from preferential tariff treatment.
We will also continue to provide free textbooks to students from poor families and living allowances to poor students residing on campus.
Receipts from cocoa, the economys mainstay, which is still being exported through the two main Ivorian ports, continue to fill his coffers.
The myths continue to grow, thanks to the scene in the film of Peter Shaffer's Amadeus where Salieri notes down the music in dictation from the dying composer.
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单词 continue from 释义



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