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单词 convection heating 例句大全,用单词convection heating造句:

A steam radiator is a good example of heating by convection.
Effect of Bob deep convection heating on East Asian monsoon circulation
Heating Balance Calculation of Strong Convection Gas Shield Annealing Furnace
Vertical broiling function, with high efficent heating tubes, convection operation.
特性垂直式串烧功能, 配置高效能发热线, 对衡式操作。
The transfer of heat by convection is used both in heating and in cooling our homes.
Can be formed to any desired shape for heating by radiation, conduction or by convection.
通过辐射, 传导或对流可以加工成任何形状。
To have convection heating device, furnace temperature is more uniform at low temperature state.
The oven permits a combination at the floor of heating by conduction and radiation with heating by convection.
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单词 convection heating 释义

  • 单词释义:对流加热;对流式供暖  [更多..]



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