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单词 consult with 例句大全,用单词consult with造句:

I would like to consult, it Bein with the United States does not like milk with it?
The statute also requires UNIDIR to consult with the Department on budgetary matters.
Please consult with your physician before beginning this or any other exercise program.
She went to consult with the Stebbings to know how much pocket money he should be given.
And we are working actively and diligently to consult with NATO at every step of the way.
Always consult with your vet before making changes to your pets diet or exercise routine.
在改变宠物饮食或日常练习之前, 多跟兽医咨询。
I understand that I must consult with my course convener before I enroll in any subjects.
The Seller should consult with the buyer to decide on the design procedure of verification.
Discontinue use and consult your doctor if skin sensitivity occurs. Avoid contact with eyes.
如果出现皮肤敏感现货, 停止使用并就医。
Actually, I haven't consulted with any one every concession, and I only consult with myself.
I have a question to consult with you. Is the subsidy subject to personal income tax as salary
To write a leaflet, you must consult with comrades who are well posted on the state of affairs.
Employees with any question about the foregoing policies should consult with the HR Department.
In case of difficulties in booking, consult with forwarder, and look for other logistic company.
如遇订舱困难与货代协商, 寻找其他船公司订舱。
Welcome businessmen to consult and sincerely look forward to working with you for your cooperation.
欢迎广大商家来人, 来电咨询, 真诚期待与您的合作。
I thought it proper to adjourn all further proceedings in this affair, in order to consult with you.
Consult the documentation provided with any particular component to see what settings can be applied.
The secretariat was also requested to consult with the Hague Conference on Private International Law.
Please consult with the Foreign Affairs Office of the college before granting interviews to any media.
Taxpayer I have a question to consult with you. Is the subsidy subject to personal income tax as salary
If bleach gets into the eyes, immediately rinse with water for at least 15 minutes and consult a doctor.
I think this issue is troublesome and the customer need to consult with their administration department.
The two parties shall consult with each other and mediate any disputes which may arise about the contract.
You are experiencing symptoms, and wish to consult with an expert to determine what the medical issue might be.
When it comes to work which should be done nationwide, the Central Committee of the Youth League should consult with the Party Central Committee.
属于全国范围的, 团中央同党中央商量。
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单词 consult with 释义

  • 单词释义:<正>与(某人)磋商;相商  [更多..]



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