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单词 congestive heart failure 例句大全,用单词congestive heart failure造句:

A Study on Evaluation of Left Atrial Function by the Method of Ejection Force in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure.
Clinical Experience of Intravenous Amiodarone in Terminating Congestive Heart Failure with Malignant Ventricular Arrhythmia
The Effect of Antler Formula on the Plasma Level of Atrial Natriuretic Factor among the Cases with Congestive Heart Failure
Assessment of right and left ventricular diastolic function in child patients with congestive heart failure by echocardiography
Objective To investigate the effect of castration on heart function in male rabbits postinfarction congestive heart failure model.
Hemodynamic effects of creatine phosphate on heart function in patients with congestive heart failure by rheumatic valvular disease
Methods Rat model of congestive heart failure was established by intravenous injection of Adriamycin according to its cardiac toxicity.
Effects of sodium restricted or supplemented on atrial natriuretic polypeptide and cardiac function of rats with congestive heart failure
Paradigm shift of membranous milkvetch root and common monkshood prepared daughter root therapy for 30 patients with congestive heart failure
Effects of hypertonic saline solution on structure and function of cardiol, hemodynamics and renal blood flow in canine congestive heart failure
Therapeutic Effects of Roasted Liquorice Decoction on Congestive Heart Failure Mediated by Improving Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Homeostasis in Rats
Clinical Observation of Intravenous Amiodarone versus Lanatoside in Treatment of Rapid Ventricular Rate in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Congestive Heart Failure
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单词 congestive heart failure 释义

  • 单词释义:充血性心力衰竭  [更多..]



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